2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
4 # Script for Image Magick that writes the dss logo in png format
20 declare -a circle arrow rectangle text
24 local inner='stroke black fill red circle'
25 local outer='stroke black fill black circle'
29 local step x0 i j idx num
31 for ((i = 0; i < 4; i++)); do
32 step=$(((width / 4 + num) / (num + 1)))
33 x0=$((border + width / 4 * i))
34 for ((j = 1; j <= $num; j++)); do
36 circle[$idx]='-draw'; let idx++
37 circle[$idx]="$outer $x,$y,$((x + radius2)),$y"; let idx++
38 circle[$idx]='-draw'; let idx++
39 circle[$idx]="$inner $x,$y,$((x + radius1)),$y"; let idx++
43 #echo "${circle[@]}"; exit 0
48 local arrow_head='l -15,-5 +5,+5 -5,+5 +15,-5 z'
52 arrow[$idx]='-draw'; let idx++
53 x0=$((3 * border)); x1=$((width - 2 * border))
55 arrow[$idx]="stroke white line $x0,$y $x1,$y"; let idx++
56 arrow[$idx]='-draw'; let idx++
57 x0=$((width - 2 * border))
58 arrow[$idx]="stroke white fill white path 'M $x0,$y $arrow_head'"
59 #echo "${arrow[@]}"; exit 0
65 local x x0 x1 y y0 y1 i red_green color
67 rectangle[$idx]='-draw'; let idx++
68 x=$((width + 2 * border))
69 y=$((height + 2 * border))
70 rectangle[$idx]="stroke yellow fill yellow rectangle 0,0 $x,$y"; let idx++
71 for ((i = 0; i < 4; i++)); do
72 rectangle[$idx]='-draw'; let idx++
73 red_green="$(printf '%02x' $(((3 - i) * 60)))"
74 color="#${red_green}${red_green}ff"
75 x0=$((border + i * width / 4)); x1=$((x0 + width / 4 - 1))
76 y0=$border; y1=$((y0 + height))
77 rectangle[$idx]="stroke $color fill $color rectangle $x0,$y0 $x1,$y1"
80 #echo "${rectangle[@]}"; exit 0
85 text=(-pointsize $pointsize -draw \
86 "fill white text $text_x,$text_y DSS")
87 #echo "${text[@]}"; exit 0
95 convert -size $((width + 2 * border))x$((height + 2 * border)) \
96 -background none xc: \