#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2006 Andre Noll # Licensed under the LGPL, version 3. See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER. if [[ "$(type -t _gsu_setup)" != "function" ]]; then gsu_dir=${gsu_dir:-${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}} . "$gsu_dir/common" || exit 1 _gsu_setup fi _gsu_node_name_pattern='[a-zA-Z_]' _get_geometry() { local x y result="$(stty size)" if (($? != 0)); then gsu_msg "fatal: could not get terminal geometry" exit 1 fi x="${result#* }" y="${result%% *}" ((x > 190)) && x=190 result="$y $x" } _set_dialog_ret() { local ec="$1" case "$ec" in 0) ret=$GSU_SUCCESS;; 1|255) ret=1;; # cancelled *) result="dialog exit code $ec" ret=-$E_GSU_DIALOG esac } # Open a dialog box which asks the user to input a text # # Usage: gsu_input_box # # is displayed above of the input field, which is is preset to . # The entered text is returned in $result. On success (user pressed OK) # the function returns zero. If the user selected Cancel, the return value is # one. On dialog errors, a negative error code is returned. gsu_inputbox() { local g text="$1" init="$2" _get_geometry g="$result" result="$(dialog --inputbox "$text" $g "$init" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)" _set_dialog_ret $? } # Show the given file in a text box # # Usage: gsu_textbox # # The box has an OK button which closes the box when activated. gsu_textbox() { local g file="$1" _get_geometry g="$result" ret=-$E_GSU_DIALOG result='textbox' dialog --textbox "$file" $g _set_dialog_ret $? } # Show a message in a text box # # Usage: gsu_msgbox # # This is like gsu_textbox() but the text is passed as a string. gsu_msgbox() { local tmp # Some versions of dialog segfault if the text is too long. Hence we # always use a temporary file. gsu_make_tempfile 'gsu_msgbox.XXXXXXXXXX' ((ret < 0)) && return tmp="$result" trap "rm -f $tmp" EXIT echo "$1" > "$tmp" gsu_textbox "$tmp" rm -f "$tmp" # ignore errors } _gsu_menu() { local header=$1 dflt_item=$2 local geom shift 2 _get_geometry geom=$result result="$(dialog --no-lines --no-items \ --default-item "$dflt_item" \ --menu "$gsu_banner_txt"$'\n'"Current location: $header" \ $geom 16 "$@" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)" _set_dialog_ret $? } _get_level() { local tmp="${1%%$_gsu_node_name_pattern*}" result="${#tmp}" } _get_subtree() { local tree="$1" root="${2%/}" local first TAB=' ' ret=-$E_GSU_MENU_TREE result="subtree grep failed" first="$(grep -n "$TAB\{1,\}$root/" <<< "$tree")" || return [[ -z "$first" ]] && return line_num="${first%%:*}" _get_level "${first#*:}" level="$result" #echo "line: $line_num, root: $root, indent level: $level" result="$(sed -e "1,${line_num}d;" <<< "$tree" \ | sed -e "/^$TAB\{1,$level\}$_gsu_node_name_pattern/,\$d" \ | sed -e "/^$TAB\{$((level + 2))\}/d")" if (($? != 0)); then ret=-$E_GSU_MENU_TREE result="sed command for subtree $root failed" return fi ret=$GSU_SUCCESS } _get_root_nodes() { local tree="$1" TAB=' ' result="$(grep "^${TAB}${_gsu_node_name_pattern}" <<< "$tree")" if (($? != 0)); then ret=-$E_GSU_MENU_TREE result="root node grep failed" return fi ret=$GSU_SUCCESS } _browse() { local root_item=$1 tree=$2 subtree=$3 local -a items arr local -A ids local old_root dflt_item local item id OIFS local -i i=0 while read -a arr; do ((${#arr[@]} == 0)) && continue id=${arr[0]} if ((${#arr[@]} > 1)); then unset arr[0]; item=${arr[*]} if [[ "${id:$((${#id} - 1)):1}" == '/' ]]; then item+=/ else item="• $item" fi else item=$id fi items[$i]=$item ids["$item"]=$id let i++ done <<< "$subtree" dflt_item=${items[0]} while :; do _gsu_menu "$root_item" "$dflt_item" "${items[@]}" ((ret < 0)) && return [[ -z "$result" ]] && return # menu was cancelled dflt_item=$result id=${ids["$result"]} if [[ "${id:$((${#id} - 1)):1}" == '/' ]]; then _get_subtree "$tree" "$id" ((ret < 0)) && return _browse "${dflt_item%/}" "$tree" "$result" ((ret < 0)) && return continue fi eval ${gsu_name}_${id} done } gsu_gui() { local tree="$1" subtree type -t dialog &> /dev/null if (($? != 0)); then gsu_msg "dialog executable not found" exit 1 fi _get_root_nodes "$tree" subtree="$result" _browse 'Main menu' "$tree" "$subtree" }