Move all files to the top level directory.
authorAndre Noll <>
Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:34:27 +0000 (14:34 +0200)
committerAndre Noll <>
Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:34:27 +0000 (14:34 +0200)
With gsu being a separate repository, there is no point in burying
the gsu files below misc/gsu.

common [new file with mode: 0644]
config [new file with mode: 0644]
gui [new file with mode: 0644]
misc/gsu/common [deleted file]
misc/gsu/config [deleted file]
misc/gsu/gui [deleted file]
misc/gsu/subcommand [deleted file]
subcommand [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/common b/common
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bd8276b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# (C) 2006-2011 Andre Noll
+       gsu_errors="
+GSU_SUCCESS                    success
+E_GSU_BAD_COMMAND              invalid command
+E_GSU_NOT_A_NUMBER             not a number
+E_GSU_BAD_CONFIG_VAR           invalid config variable
+E_GSU_NEED_VALUE               value required but not given
+E_GSU_BAD_BOOL                 bad value for boolian option
+E_GSU_BAD_OPTION_TYPE          invalid option type
+E_GSU_BAD_ARG_COUNT            invalid number of arguments
+E_GSU_EDITOR                   failed to execute editor
+E_GSU_MKDIR                    failed to create directory
+E_GSU_GETOPTS                  getopts error
+       local a b i=0
+       while read a b; do
+               if test -z "$a"; then
+                       continue
+               fi
+               #echo "a:$a,  b: $b"
+               gsu_error_txt[i]="$b"
+               eval $a=$i
+               i=$(($i + 1))
+       done << EOF
+       $gsu_errors
+# check if $1 is a number
+       result="$1"
+       if test "$1" -eq "$1" &> /dev/null; then
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+       else
+               ret=-$E_GSU_NOT_A_NUMBER
+       fi
+       echo "$1" 1>&2
+       gsu_short_msg "$_gsu_self: $1"
+       gsu_short_msg "$_gsu_self $(date): $1"
+       local txt="$result" err
+       gsu_is_a_number "$ret"
+       if test $ret -lt 0; then
+               gsu_msg "unknown error ($ret:$txt)"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       if test $result -ge 0; then
+               gsu_msg "unknown error ($result:$txt)"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       err=$((0 - $result))
+       if test -n "$txt"; then
+               txt="$txt: ${gsu_error_txt[$err]}"
+       else
+               txt="${gsu_error_txt[$err]}"
+       fi
+       gsu_msg "$txt"
+       _gsu_self="$(basename $0)"
+       gsu_name="${gsu_name:=$_gsu_self}"
+       gsu_config_var_prefix="${gsu_config_var_prefix:=$gsu_name}"
+       gsu_banner_txt="${gsu_banner_txt:-set \$gsu_banner_txt to customize this message}"
+       _gsu_init_errors
diff --git a/config b/config
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..09330f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Syntactically check the gsu_options array for errors and parse the config
+# file.
+       local i conf="${gsu_config_file:=${HOME:-}/.$gsu_name.rc}" val
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
+               eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
+               eval val='"'\${${name}:-}'"'
+               eval orig_${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name='"'${val}'"'
+       done
+       [[ -r "$conf" ]] && source "$conf"
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
+               local name= option_type= default_value= required=
+               local description= help_text=
+               local val orig_val
+               eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
+               # Check name. It must be non-empty and consist of [a-zA-Z_0-9]
+               # only.  Moreover it must not start with [a-zA-Z].
+               ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_CONFIG_VAR
+               result="name: '$name'"
+               # bash's =~ works only for 3.2 and newer, so use grep
+               echo "$name" | grep '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0123456789]*$' &> /dev/null;
+               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
+               eval orig_val='"'\$orig_${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name'"'
+               if [[ -z "$orig_val" ]]; then
+                       eval val='"'\${$name:-}'"'
+               else
+                       val="$orig_val"
+               fi
+               case "$required" in
+               true|yes)
+                       ret=-$E_GSU_NEED_VALUE
+                       result="$name"
+                       [[ -z "$val" ]] && return
+                       ;;
+               false|no)
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_BOOL
+                       result="required: $required, name: $name, val: $val"
+                       return
+               esac
+               eval ${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name='"'\${val:="$default_value"}'"'
+               # Check option type. ATM, only num and string are supported
+               # Other types may be added without breaking compatibility
+               case "$option_type" in
+               string)
+                       ;;
+               num)
+                       gsu_is_a_number "$val"
+                       [[ $ret -lt 0 ]] && return
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_OPTION_TYPE
+                       result="$name/$option_type"
+                       return
+               esac
+       done
+       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+# Call gsu_check_options(), die on errors.
+       gsu_check_options
+       if (($ret < 0)); then
+               gsu_err_msg
+               exit 1
+       fi
+if [[ "$(type -t _gsu_setup)" != "function" ]]; then
+       gsu_dir=${gsu_dir:=${HOME:-}/.gsu}
+       . $gsu_dir/common || exit 1
+       _gsu_setup
diff --git a/gui b/gui
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eb9f29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+if [[ $(type -t gsu_is_a_number) != "function" ]]; then
+       GSU_DIR=${GSU_DIR:=${HOME:-}/.gsu}
+       . $GSU_DIR/common || exit 1
+export GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN='[a-zA-Z_]'
+       local x y
+       result="$(stty size)"
+       if (($? != 0)); then
+               gsu_msg "fatal: could not get terminal geometry"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       x="${result#* }"
+       y="${result%% *}"
+       (($x > 190)) && x=190
+       result="$y $x"
+       _get_geometry
+       dialog --infobox "$1" $result
+       local header="$1"
+       local items="$2"
+       local i state opts num=0
+       _get_geometry
+       ops="$result 16"
+       for i in $items; do
+               let num++
+               opts+=" $i $num on"
+       done
+       result=$(dialog --checklist "$header" $opts 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
+       ret="$?"
+       local header="$1"
+       local selected_item="$2"
+       local items="$3"
+       local i state ops num=0
+       _get_geometry
+       ops="$result 16"
+       for i in $items; do
+               let num++
+               if [[ "$i" == "$selected_item" ]]; then
+                       state="on"
+               else
+                       state="off"
+               fi
+               ops+=" $i $num $state"
+       done
+       result=$(dialog --radiolist "$header" $ops 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
+       ret="$?"
+       local g text="$1" init="$2"
+       _get_geometry
+       g="$result"
+       result="$(dialog --inputbox "$text" $g "$init" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
+       ret="$?"
+       local file="$1"
+       _get_geometry
+       dialog --textbox "$file" $result
+# dialog segfaults if message is too long. Hence we always use a temporary file
+       local tmp="$(mktemp gsu_msgbox.XXXXXXXXXX)"
+       if (($? != 0)); then
+               dialog --msgbox "mktemp error" 0 0
+               return
+       fi
+       echo "$1" > "$tmp"
+       gsu_textbox "$tmp"
+       rm -f "$tmp"
+       local tmp="$(mktemp)"
+       if (($? != 0)); then
+               dialog --msgbox "mktemp error" 0 0
+               return
+       fi
+       $@ > "$tmp" 2>&1
+       echo "exit code: $?" >> "$tmp"
+       gsu_textbox "$tmp"
+       rm -f "$tmp"
+       local text="$1"
+       _get_geometry
+       dialog --yesno "$text" $result
+       ret=$?
+       if (($ret == 0)); then
+               result="yes"
+       elif (($ret == 1)); then
+               result="no"
+       else
+               result=
+       fi
+       local header="${1:-root}"
+       local items="$2"
+       local i state opts num=0
+       _get_geometry
+       opts="$result 16"
+       for i in $items; do
+               let num++
+               opts+=" $i $num"
+       done
+       result="$(dialog --menu "$gsu_banner_txt ($header)" $opts 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
+       ret="$?"
+       local tmp="${1%%$GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN*}"
+       result="${#tmp}"
+       local tree="$1" root="${2%/}"
+       local TAB='     '
+       first="$(grep -n "$TAB\{1,\}$root/" <<< "$tree")"
+       [[ -z "$first" ]] && return
+       line_num="${first%%:*}"
+       _get_level "${first#*:}"
+       level="$result"
+       #echo "line: $line_num, root: $root, indent level: $level"
+       result="$(sed -e "1,${line_num}d;" <<< "$tree" \
+               | sed -e "/^$TAB\{1,$level\}$GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN/,\$d" \
+               | sed -e "/^$TAB\{$(($level + 2))\}/d")"
+       ret="$level"
+       local tree="$1" TAB='   '
+       result="$(grep "^${TAB}${GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN}" <<< "$tree")"
+       local header="$1" old_header
+       local tree="$2" subtree="$3"
+       while :; do
+               gsu_menu "$header" "$subtree"
+               (($ret != 0)) && return
+               [[ -z "$result" ]] && return
+               if [[ "${result%/}" != "$result" ]]; then
+                       old_header="$header"
+                       header="$result"
+                       _get_subtree "$tree" "$header"
+                       _browse "$header" "$tree" "$result"
+                       header="$old_header"
+                       continue
+               fi
+               eval ${gsu_name}_$result
+       done
+       local tree="$1" subtree
+       _gsu_setup
+       type -t dialog &> /dev/null
+       if (($? != 0)); then
+               gsu_msg "dialog executable not found"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       _get_root_nodes "$tree"
+       subtree="$result"
+       _browse "main menu" "$tree" "$subtree"
diff --git a/misc/gsu/common b/misc/gsu/common
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bd8276b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# (C) 2006-2011 Andre Noll
-       gsu_errors="
-GSU_SUCCESS                    success
-E_GSU_BAD_COMMAND              invalid command
-E_GSU_NOT_A_NUMBER             not a number
-E_GSU_BAD_CONFIG_VAR           invalid config variable
-E_GSU_NEED_VALUE               value required but not given
-E_GSU_BAD_BOOL                 bad value for boolian option
-E_GSU_BAD_OPTION_TYPE          invalid option type
-E_GSU_BAD_ARG_COUNT            invalid number of arguments
-E_GSU_EDITOR                   failed to execute editor
-E_GSU_MKDIR                    failed to create directory
-E_GSU_GETOPTS                  getopts error
-       local a b i=0
-       while read a b; do
-               if test -z "$a"; then
-                       continue
-               fi
-               #echo "a:$a,  b: $b"
-               gsu_error_txt[i]="$b"
-               eval $a=$i
-               i=$(($i + 1))
-       done << EOF
-       $gsu_errors
-# check if $1 is a number
-       result="$1"
-       if test "$1" -eq "$1" &> /dev/null; then
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-       else
-               ret=-$E_GSU_NOT_A_NUMBER
-       fi
-       echo "$1" 1>&2
-       gsu_short_msg "$_gsu_self: $1"
-       gsu_short_msg "$_gsu_self $(date): $1"
-       local txt="$result" err
-       gsu_is_a_number "$ret"
-       if test $ret -lt 0; then
-               gsu_msg "unknown error ($ret:$txt)"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       if test $result -ge 0; then
-               gsu_msg "unknown error ($result:$txt)"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       err=$((0 - $result))
-       if test -n "$txt"; then
-               txt="$txt: ${gsu_error_txt[$err]}"
-       else
-               txt="${gsu_error_txt[$err]}"
-       fi
-       gsu_msg "$txt"
-       _gsu_self="$(basename $0)"
-       gsu_name="${gsu_name:=$_gsu_self}"
-       gsu_config_var_prefix="${gsu_config_var_prefix:=$gsu_name}"
-       gsu_banner_txt="${gsu_banner_txt:-set \$gsu_banner_txt to customize this message}"
-       _gsu_init_errors
diff --git a/misc/gsu/config b/misc/gsu/config
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 09330f3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Syntactically check the gsu_options array for errors and parse the config
-# file.
-       local i conf="${gsu_config_file:=${HOME:-}/.$gsu_name.rc}" val
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
-               eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
-               eval val='"'\${${name}:-}'"'
-               eval orig_${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name='"'${val}'"'
-       done
-       [[ -r "$conf" ]] && source "$conf"
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
-               local name= option_type= default_value= required=
-               local description= help_text=
-               local val orig_val
-               eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
-               # Check name. It must be non-empty and consist of [a-zA-Z_0-9]
-               # only.  Moreover it must not start with [a-zA-Z].
-               ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_CONFIG_VAR
-               result="name: '$name'"
-               # bash's =~ works only for 3.2 and newer, so use grep
-               echo "$name" | grep '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0123456789]*$' &> /dev/null;
-               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
-               eval orig_val='"'\$orig_${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name'"'
-               if [[ -z "$orig_val" ]]; then
-                       eval val='"'\${$name:-}'"'
-               else
-                       val="$orig_val"
-               fi
-               case "$required" in
-               true|yes)
-                       ret=-$E_GSU_NEED_VALUE
-                       result="$name"
-                       [[ -z "$val" ]] && return
-                       ;;
-               false|no)
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_BOOL
-                       result="required: $required, name: $name, val: $val"
-                       return
-               esac
-               eval ${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name='"'\${val:="$default_value"}'"'
-               # Check option type. ATM, only num and string are supported
-               # Other types may be added without breaking compatibility
-               case "$option_type" in
-               string)
-                       ;;
-               num)
-                       gsu_is_a_number "$val"
-                       [[ $ret -lt 0 ]] && return
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_OPTION_TYPE
-                       result="$name/$option_type"
-                       return
-               esac
-       done
-       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-# Call gsu_check_options(), die on errors.
-       gsu_check_options
-       if (($ret < 0)); then
-               gsu_err_msg
-               exit 1
-       fi
-if [[ "$(type -t _gsu_setup)" != "function" ]]; then
-       gsu_dir=${gsu_dir:=${HOME:-}/.gsu}
-       . $gsu_dir/common || exit 1
-       _gsu_setup
diff --git a/misc/gsu/gui b/misc/gsu/gui
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eb9f29f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-if [[ $(type -t gsu_is_a_number) != "function" ]]; then
-       GSU_DIR=${GSU_DIR:=${HOME:-}/.gsu}
-       . $GSU_DIR/common || exit 1
-export GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN='[a-zA-Z_]'
-       local x y
-       result="$(stty size)"
-       if (($? != 0)); then
-               gsu_msg "fatal: could not get terminal geometry"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       x="${result#* }"
-       y="${result%% *}"
-       (($x > 190)) && x=190
-       result="$y $x"
-       _get_geometry
-       dialog --infobox "$1" $result
-       local header="$1"
-       local items="$2"
-       local i state opts num=0
-       _get_geometry
-       ops="$result 16"
-       for i in $items; do
-               let num++
-               opts+=" $i $num on"
-       done
-       result=$(dialog --checklist "$header" $opts 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
-       ret="$?"
-       local header="$1"
-       local selected_item="$2"
-       local items="$3"
-       local i state ops num=0
-       _get_geometry
-       ops="$result 16"
-       for i in $items; do
-               let num++
-               if [[ "$i" == "$selected_item" ]]; then
-                       state="on"
-               else
-                       state="off"
-               fi
-               ops+=" $i $num $state"
-       done
-       result=$(dialog --radiolist "$header" $ops 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
-       ret="$?"
-       local g text="$1" init="$2"
-       _get_geometry
-       g="$result"
-       result="$(dialog --inputbox "$text" $g "$init" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
-       ret="$?"
-       local file="$1"
-       _get_geometry
-       dialog --textbox "$file" $result
-# dialog segfaults if message is too long. Hence we always use a temporary file
-       local tmp="$(mktemp gsu_msgbox.XXXXXXXXXX)"
-       if (($? != 0)); then
-               dialog --msgbox "mktemp error" 0 0
-               return
-       fi
-       echo "$1" > "$tmp"
-       gsu_textbox "$tmp"
-       rm -f "$tmp"
-       local tmp="$(mktemp)"
-       if (($? != 0)); then
-               dialog --msgbox "mktemp error" 0 0
-               return
-       fi
-       $@ > "$tmp" 2>&1
-       echo "exit code: $?" >> "$tmp"
-       gsu_textbox "$tmp"
-       rm -f "$tmp"
-       local text="$1"
-       _get_geometry
-       dialog --yesno "$text" $result
-       ret=$?
-       if (($ret == 0)); then
-               result="yes"
-       elif (($ret == 1)); then
-               result="no"
-       else
-               result=
-       fi
-       local header="${1:-root}"
-       local items="$2"
-       local i state opts num=0
-       _get_geometry
-       opts="$result 16"
-       for i in $items; do
-               let num++
-               opts+=" $i $num"
-       done
-       result="$(dialog --menu "$gsu_banner_txt ($header)" $opts 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
-       ret="$?"
-       local tmp="${1%%$GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN*}"
-       result="${#tmp}"
-       local tree="$1" root="${2%/}"
-       local TAB='     '
-       first="$(grep -n "$TAB\{1,\}$root/" <<< "$tree")"
-       [[ -z "$first" ]] && return
-       line_num="${first%%:*}"
-       _get_level "${first#*:}"
-       level="$result"
-       #echo "line: $line_num, root: $root, indent level: $level"
-       result="$(sed -e "1,${line_num}d;" <<< "$tree" \
-               | sed -e "/^$TAB\{1,$level\}$GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN/,\$d" \
-               | sed -e "/^$TAB\{$(($level + 2))\}/d")"
-       ret="$level"
-       local tree="$1" TAB='   '
-       result="$(grep "^${TAB}${GSU_NODE_NAME_PATTERN}" <<< "$tree")"
-       local header="$1" old_header
-       local tree="$2" subtree="$3"
-       while :; do
-               gsu_menu "$header" "$subtree"
-               (($ret != 0)) && return
-               [[ -z "$result" ]] && return
-               if [[ "${result%/}" != "$result" ]]; then
-                       old_header="$header"
-                       header="$result"
-                       _get_subtree "$tree" "$header"
-                       _browse "$header" "$tree" "$result"
-                       header="$old_header"
-                       continue
-               fi
-               eval ${gsu_name}_$result
-       done
-       local tree="$1" subtree
-       _gsu_setup
-       type -t dialog &> /dev/null
-       if (($? != 0)); then
-               gsu_msg "dialog executable not found"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       _get_root_nodes "$tree"
-       subtree="$result"
-       _browse "main menu" "$tree" "$subtree"
diff --git a/misc/gsu/subcommand b/misc/gsu/subcommand
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6b5df0a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-# (C) 2006-2011 Andre Noll
-if [[ $(type -t gsu_is_a_number) != "function" ]]; then
-       GSU_DIR=${GSU_DIR:=${HOME-}/.gsu}
-       . $GSU_DIR/common || exit 1
-       gsu_short_msg "# Usage: $_gsu_self command [options]"
-# Return an extended regular expression to match against $0.
-# When called without argument, the expression matches all lines which define a
-# subcommand.
-# If an argument is given, the returned expression matches only the subcommand
-# passed as $1. This is useful to tell if a string is a valid subcommand.
-# Regardless of whether an argument is given, the returned expression contains
-# exactly one parenthesized subexpression for matching the command name.
-       local cmd="${1:-[-a-zA-Z_0-9]+}"
-       result="^com_($cmd)\(\)"
-       local ere
-       _gsu_get_command_regex
-       ere="$result"
-       result="$({
-               printf "help\nman\nprefs\ncomplete\n"
-               sed -Ee '
-                       # if line matches, isolate command name
-                       s/'"$ere"'/\1/g
-                       # if there is a match, (print it and) start next cycle
-                       t
-                       # otherwise delete it
-                       d
-               ' $0
-       } | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
-       local i count=0
-       gsu_short_msg "Available commands:"
-       for i in $gsu_cmds; do
-               printf "$i"
-               count=$(($count + 1))
-               if test $(($count % 4)) -eq 0; then
-                       echo
-               else
-                       printf "\t"
-                       if test ${#i} -lt 8; then
-                               printf "\t"
-                       fi
-               fi
-       done
-       echo
-) 2>&1
-       local opts="$1" cword="$2" cur opt
-       local -a words
-       shift 2
-       words=("$@")
-       cur="${words[$cword]}"
-       ret=0
-       [[ ! "$cur" == -* ]] && return
-       ret=0
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#opts}; i++)); do
-               opt="${opts:$i:1}"
-               [[ "$opt" == ":" ]] && continue
-               printf "%s" "-$opt "
-               let ret++
-       done
-export gsu_prefs_txt="
-Print the current preferences.
-Usage: prefs [-e]
-If -e is given, the config file is opened with the default editor.  Without
-options, the command prints out a list of all cmt config variables, together
-with their current value and the default value."
-       local i conf="${gsu_config_file:=${HOME:-}/.$gsu_name.rc}"
-       gsu_getopts "e"
-       eval "$result"
-       (($ret < 0)) && return
-       gsu_check_arg_count $# 0 0
-       (($ret < 0)) && return
-       if [[ "$o_e" == "true" ]]; then
-               ret=-$E_GSU_MKDIR
-               result="${conf%/*}"
-               mkdir -p "$result"
-               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
-               ret=-$E_GSU_EDITOR
-               result="${EDITOR:-vi}"
-               "$result" "$conf"
-               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
-               local name= option_type= default_value= required=
-               local description= help_text=
-               eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
-               eval val='"${'${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name:-'}"'
-               case "$required" in
-               true|yes)
-                       printf "# required"
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       printf "# optional"
-                       ;;
-               esac
-               printf " $option_type: $description"
-               if [[ "$required" != "yes" && "$required" != "true" ]]; then
-                       printf " [$default_value]"
-               fi
-               echo
-               [[ -n "$help_text" ]] && sed -e '/^[    ]*$/d; s/^[     ]*/#    /g' <<< "$help_text"
-               printf "$name=$val"
-               [[ "$val" == "$default_value" ]] && printf " # default"
-               echo
-       done
-       gsu_complete_options "e" "$@"
-export gsu_man_txt="
-Print the manual.
-Usage: man"
-       local equal_signs="=================================================="
-       local minus_signs="--------------------------------------------------"
-        local com num
-       echo "$_gsu_self (_${gsu_banner_txt}_) manual"
-       echo "${equal_signs:0:${#_gsu_self} + ${#gsu_banner_txt} + 16}"
-       echo
-        sed -e '1,/^#\{70,\}/d' -e '/^#\{70,\}/,$d' $0 -e 's/^# *//'
-       echo "----"
-        echo
-       echo "$_gsu_self usage"
-       echo "${minus_signs:0:${#_gsu_self} + 6}"
-       printf "\t"
-       _gsu_usage 2>&1
-       echo "Each command has its own set of options as described below."
-       echo
-       echo "----"
-       echo
-       echo "Available commands:"
-       _gsu_available_commands
-        for com in $result; do
-               num=${#com}
-               if test $num -lt 4; then
-                       num=4
-               fi
-                echo "${minus_signs:0:$num}"
-                echo "$com"
-                echo "${minus_signs:0:$num}"
-                $0 help $com
-               echo
-        done
-        ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-       gsu_short_msg "### $_gsu_self -- ###"
-export gsu_help_txt="
-Print online help.
-Usage: help [command]
-Without arguments, print the list of available commands. Otherwise,
-print the help text for the given command."
-export gsu_complete_txt="
-Command line completion.
-Usage: complete [<cword> <word>...]
-When executed without argument the command writes bash code to
-stdout. This code is suitable to be evaled from .bashrc to enable
-If at least one argument is given, all possible completions are
-written to stdout. This can be used from the completion function of
-the subcommand.
-       local a b ere tab='     '
-       _gsu_get_command_regex
-       ere="$result"
-       if (($# == 0)); then
-               _gsu_banner_msg 2>&1
-               _gsu_usage 2>&1
-               {
-                       printf "com_help()\n$gsu_help_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
-                       printf "com_man()\n$gsu_man_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
-                       printf "com_prefs()\n$gsu_prefs_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
-                       printf "com_complete()\n$gsu_complete_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
-                       grep -EA 2 "$ere" $0
-               } | grep -v -- '--' \
-                       | sed -En "/$ere/"'!d
-                               # remove everything but the command name
-                               s/^com_(.*)\(\).*/\1/
-                               # append tab after short commands (less than 8 chars)
-                               s/^(.{1,7})$/\1'"$tab"'/g
-                               # remove next line (should contain only ## anyway)
-                               N
-                               s/#.*//
-                               # append next line, removing leading ##
-                               N
-                               s/#+ *//g
-                               # replace newline by tab
-                               y/\n/'"$tab"'/
-                               # and print the sucker
-                               p'
-               echo
-               echo "# Try $_gsu_self help <command> for info on <command>."
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       if test "$1" = "help"; then
-               echo "$gsu_help_txt"
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       if test "$1" = "man"; then
-               echo "$gsu_man_txt"
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       if test "$1" = "prefs"; then
-               echo "$gsu_prefs_txt"
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       if test "$1" = "complete"; then
-               echo "$gsu_complete_txt"
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-       _gsu_get_command_regex "$1"
-       ere="$result"
-       if ! grep -Eq "$ere" $0; then
-               _gsu_print_available_commands
-               result="$1"
-               ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_COMMAND
-               return
-       fi
-       sed -nEe '
-               # only consider lines in the comment of the function
-               /'"$ere"'/,/^[^#]/ {
-                       # remove leading ##
-                       s/^## *//
-                       # if it did start with ##, jump to label p and print it
-                       tp
-                       # otherwise, move on to next line
-                       d
-                       # print it
-                       :p
-                       p
-               }
-       ' $0
-       _gsu_available_commands
-       echo "$result"
-# Wrapper for the bash getopts builtin.
-# Aborts on programming errors such as missing or invalid option string.  On
-# success $result contains shell code that can be eval'ed. For each defined
-# option x, the local variable o_x will be created when calling eval "$result".
-# o_x contains true/false for options without argument and either the emtpy
-# string or the given argument for options that take an argument.
-# Example:
-#      gsu_getopts abc:x:y
-#      eval "$result"
-#      (($ret < 0)) && return
-#      [[ "$o_a" = 'true' ]] && echo 'The -a flag was given'
-#      [[ -n "$o_c" ]] && echo "The -c option was given with arg $o_c"
-       local i c tab=' ' cr='
-       gsu_check_arg_count $# 1 1
-       if [[ $ret -lt 0 ]]; then
-               gsu_err_msg
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       ret=-$E_GSU_GETOPTS
-       result="invalid optstring $1"
-       if [[ -z "$1" ]] || grep -q '::' <<< "$1" ; then
-               gsu_err_msg
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
-               c=${1:$i:1}
-               case "$c" in
-               [a-zA-Z:]);;
-               *)
-                       ret=-$E_GSU_GETOPTS
-                       result="invalid character $c in optstring"
-                       gsu_err_msg
-                       exit 1
-               esac
-       done
-       result="local _gsu_getopts_opt"
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
-               c1=${1:$i:1}
-               c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
-               result+=" o_$c1="
-               if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
-                       let i++
-               else
-                       result+="false"
-               fi
-       done
-       result+="
-       OPTIND=1
-       while getopts $1 _gsu_getopts_opt \"\$@\"; do
-               case \"\$_gsu_getopts_opt\" in
-       for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
-               c1=${1:$i:1}
-               c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
-               result+="$tab$tab$c1) o_$c1="
-               if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
-                       result+="\"\$OPTARG\""
-                       let i++
-               else
-                       result+="true"
-               fi
-               result+=";;$cr"
-       done
-       result+="
-               *)
-                       ret=-\$E_GSU_GETOPTS
-                       result=\"invalid option given\"
-                       return
-                       ;;
-               esac
-       done
-       shift \$((\$OPTIND - 1))
-       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-       local cmd n cword
-       local -a words
-       if (($# == 0)); then
-               cat <<EOF
-               local cur="\${COMP_WORDS[\$COMP_CWORD]}";
-               local -a candidates;
-               candidates=(\$($0 complete "\$COMP_CWORD" "\${COMP_WORDS[@]}"));
-               COMPREPLY=(\$(compgen -W "\${candidates[*]}" -- "\$cur"));
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       cword="$1"
-       gsu_is_a_number "$cword"
-       (($ret < 0)) && return
-       if (($cword <= 1)); then
-               _gsu_available_commands
-               echo "${result}"
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       shift
-       words=("$@")
-       cmd="${words[1]}"
-       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS # It's not an error if no completer was defined
-       [[ "$(type -t complete_$cmd)" != "function" ]] && return
-       complete_$cmd "$cword" "${words[@]}"
-       # ignore errors, they would only clutter the completion output
-       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-# Find out if the current word is a parameter for an option.
-# $1:   usual getopts option string.
-# $2:   The current word number.
-# $3..: All words of the current command line.
-# return: If yes, $result contains the letter of the option for which the
-# current word is a parameter. Otherwise, $result is empty.
-       local opts="$1" cword="$2" prev i n
-       local -a words
-       result=
-       (($cword == 0)) && return
-       ((${#opts} < 2)) && return
-       shift 2
-       words=("$@")
-       prev="${words[$(($cword - 1))]}"
-       [[ ! "$prev" == -* ]] && return
-       n=$((${#opts} - 1))
-       for ((i=0; i <= $n; i++)); do
-               opt="${opts:$i:1}"
-               [[ "${opts:$(($i + 1)):1}" != ":" ]] && continue
-               let i++
-               [[ "$prev" != "-$opt" ]] && continue
-               result="$opt"
-               return
-       done
-       ret=0
-# Get the word number on which the cursor is, not counting options.
-# This is useful for completing commands whose possible completions depend
-# on the word number, for example mount.
-# $1:   Getopt option string.
-# $2:   The current word number.
-# $3..: All words of the current command line.
-# return: If the current word is an option, or a parameter to an option,
-# this function sets $result to -1. Otherwise, the number of the non-option
-# is returned in $result.
-       local opts="$1" cword="$2" prev cur
-       local -i i n=0
-       local -a words
-       shift 2
-       words=("$@")
-       cur="${words[$cword]}"
-       prev="${words[$(($cword - 1))]}"
-       result=-1
-       [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && return
-       [[ "$prev" == -* ]] && [[ "$opts" == *${prev#-}:* ]] && return
-       for ((i=1; i <= $cword; i++)); do
-               prev="${words[$(($i - 1))]}"
-               cur="${words[$i]}"
-               [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && continue
-               if [[ "$prev" == -* ]]; then
-                       opt=${prev#-}
-                       [[ "$opts" != *$opt:* ]] && let n++
-                       continue
-               fi
-               let n++
-       done
-       result="$(($n - 1))"
-# Entry point for all gsu-based scripts.
-# The startup part of the application script should source this file to load
-# the functions defined here, and then call gsu(). Functions starting with com_
-# are automatically recognized as subcommands.
-# Minimal example:
-#      com_hello()
-#      {
-#              echo 'hello world'
-#      }
-#      gsu_dir=${gsu_dir:-/system/location/where/gsu/is/installed}
-#      . $gsu_dir/subcommand || exit 1
-#      gsu "$@"
-       local i
-       _gsu_setup
-       _gsu_available_commands
-       gsu_cmds="$result"
-       if test $# -eq 0; then
-               _gsu_usage
-               _gsu_print_available_commands
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       arg="$1"
-       shift
-       # check internal commands
-       if [[ "$arg" = "help" || "$arg" = "man" || "$arg" = "prefs" || "$arg" = "complete" ]]; then
-               _com_$arg "$@"
-               if [[ "$ret" -lt 0 ]]; then
-                       gsu_err_msg
-                       exit 1
-               fi
-               exit 0
-       fi
-       # external commands
-       for i in $gsu_cmds; do
-               if test "$arg" = "$i"; then
-                       com_$arg "$@"
-                       if [[ "$ret" -lt 0 ]]; then
-                               gsu_err_msg
-                               exit 1
-                       fi
-                       exit 0
-               fi
-       done
-       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_COMMAND
-       result="$arg"
-       gsu_err_msg
-       _gsu_print_available_commands
-       exit 1
-# Check number of arguments.
-# Usage: gsu_check_arg_count <num_given> <num1> [<num2>]
-# Check that <num_given> is between <num1> and <num2> inclusively.
-# If only <num1> ist given, num2 is assumed to be infinity.
-# Examples:
-#      0 0 no argument allowed
-#      1 1 exactly one argument required
-#      0 2 at most two arguments admissible
-#      2   at least two arguments reqired
-       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_ARG_COUNT
-       if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then # only num1 is given
-               result="at least $2 args required, $1 given"
-               [[ $1 -lt $2 ]] && return
-               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
-               return
-       fi
-       # num1 and num2 given
-       result="need at least $2 args, $1 given"
-       [[ $1 -lt $2 ]] && return
-       result="need at most $3 args, $1 given"
-       [[ $1 -gt $3 ]] && return
-       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
diff --git a/subcommand b/subcommand
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6b5df0a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+# (C) 2006-2011 Andre Noll
+if [[ $(type -t gsu_is_a_number) != "function" ]]; then
+       GSU_DIR=${GSU_DIR:=${HOME-}/.gsu}
+       . $GSU_DIR/common || exit 1
+       gsu_short_msg "# Usage: $_gsu_self command [options]"
+# Return an extended regular expression to match against $0.
+# When called without argument, the expression matches all lines which define a
+# subcommand.
+# If an argument is given, the returned expression matches only the subcommand
+# passed as $1. This is useful to tell if a string is a valid subcommand.
+# Regardless of whether an argument is given, the returned expression contains
+# exactly one parenthesized subexpression for matching the command name.
+       local cmd="${1:-[-a-zA-Z_0-9]+}"
+       result="^com_($cmd)\(\)"
+       local ere
+       _gsu_get_command_regex
+       ere="$result"
+       result="$({
+               printf "help\nman\nprefs\ncomplete\n"
+               sed -Ee '
+                       # if line matches, isolate command name
+                       s/'"$ere"'/\1/g
+                       # if there is a match, (print it and) start next cycle
+                       t
+                       # otherwise delete it
+                       d
+               ' $0
+       } | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
+       local i count=0
+       gsu_short_msg "Available commands:"
+       for i in $gsu_cmds; do
+               printf "$i"
+               count=$(($count + 1))
+               if test $(($count % 4)) -eq 0; then
+                       echo
+               else
+                       printf "\t"
+                       if test ${#i} -lt 8; then
+                               printf "\t"
+                       fi
+               fi
+       done
+       echo
+) 2>&1
+       local opts="$1" cword="$2" cur opt
+       local -a words
+       shift 2
+       words=("$@")
+       cur="${words[$cword]}"
+       ret=0
+       [[ ! "$cur" == -* ]] && return
+       ret=0
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#opts}; i++)); do
+               opt="${opts:$i:1}"
+               [[ "$opt" == ":" ]] && continue
+               printf "%s" "-$opt "
+               let ret++
+       done
+export gsu_prefs_txt="
+Print the current preferences.
+Usage: prefs [-e]
+If -e is given, the config file is opened with the default editor.  Without
+options, the command prints out a list of all cmt config variables, together
+with their current value and the default value."
+       local i conf="${gsu_config_file:=${HOME:-}/.$gsu_name.rc}"
+       gsu_getopts "e"
+       eval "$result"
+       (($ret < 0)) && return
+       gsu_check_arg_count $# 0 0
+       (($ret < 0)) && return
+       if [[ "$o_e" == "true" ]]; then
+               ret=-$E_GSU_MKDIR
+               result="${conf%/*}"
+               mkdir -p "$result"
+               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
+               ret=-$E_GSU_EDITOR
+               result="${EDITOR:-vi}"
+               "$result" "$conf"
+               [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
+               local name= option_type= default_value= required=
+               local description= help_text=
+               eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
+               eval val='"${'${gsu_config_var_prefix}_$name:-'}"'
+               case "$required" in
+               true|yes)
+                       printf "# required"
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       printf "# optional"
+                       ;;
+               esac
+               printf " $option_type: $description"
+               if [[ "$required" != "yes" && "$required" != "true" ]]; then
+                       printf " [$default_value]"
+               fi
+               echo
+               [[ -n "$help_text" ]] && sed -e '/^[    ]*$/d; s/^[     ]*/#    /g' <<< "$help_text"
+               printf "$name=$val"
+               [[ "$val" == "$default_value" ]] && printf " # default"
+               echo
+       done
+       gsu_complete_options "e" "$@"
+export gsu_man_txt="
+Print the manual.
+Usage: man"
+       local equal_signs="=================================================="
+       local minus_signs="--------------------------------------------------"
+        local com num
+       echo "$_gsu_self (_${gsu_banner_txt}_) manual"
+       echo "${equal_signs:0:${#_gsu_self} + ${#gsu_banner_txt} + 16}"
+       echo
+        sed -e '1,/^#\{70,\}/d' -e '/^#\{70,\}/,$d' $0 -e 's/^# *//'
+       echo "----"
+        echo
+       echo "$_gsu_self usage"
+       echo "${minus_signs:0:${#_gsu_self} + 6}"
+       printf "\t"
+       _gsu_usage 2>&1
+       echo "Each command has its own set of options as described below."
+       echo
+       echo "----"
+       echo
+       echo "Available commands:"
+       _gsu_available_commands
+        for com in $result; do
+               num=${#com}
+               if test $num -lt 4; then
+                       num=4
+               fi
+                echo "${minus_signs:0:$num}"
+                echo "$com"
+                echo "${minus_signs:0:$num}"
+                $0 help $com
+               echo
+        done
+        ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+       gsu_short_msg "### $_gsu_self -- ###"
+export gsu_help_txt="
+Print online help.
+Usage: help [command]
+Without arguments, print the list of available commands. Otherwise,
+print the help text for the given command."
+export gsu_complete_txt="
+Command line completion.
+Usage: complete [<cword> <word>...]
+When executed without argument the command writes bash code to
+stdout. This code is suitable to be evaled from .bashrc to enable
+If at least one argument is given, all possible completions are
+written to stdout. This can be used from the completion function of
+the subcommand.
+       local a b ere tab='     '
+       _gsu_get_command_regex
+       ere="$result"
+       if (($# == 0)); then
+               _gsu_banner_msg 2>&1
+               _gsu_usage 2>&1
+               {
+                       printf "com_help()\n$gsu_help_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
+                       printf "com_man()\n$gsu_man_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
+                       printf "com_prefs()\n$gsu_prefs_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
+                       printf "com_complete()\n$gsu_complete_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
+                       grep -EA 2 "$ere" $0
+               } | grep -v -- '--' \
+                       | sed -En "/$ere/"'!d
+                               # remove everything but the command name
+                               s/^com_(.*)\(\).*/\1/
+                               # append tab after short commands (less than 8 chars)
+                               s/^(.{1,7})$/\1'"$tab"'/g
+                               # remove next line (should contain only ## anyway)
+                               N
+                               s/#.*//
+                               # append next line, removing leading ##
+                               N
+                               s/#+ *//g
+                               # replace newline by tab
+                               y/\n/'"$tab"'/
+                               # and print the sucker
+                               p'
+               echo
+               echo "# Try $_gsu_self help <command> for info on <command>."
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       if test "$1" = "help"; then
+               echo "$gsu_help_txt"
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       if test "$1" = "man"; then
+               echo "$gsu_man_txt"
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       if test "$1" = "prefs"; then
+               echo "$gsu_prefs_txt"
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       if test "$1" = "complete"; then
+               echo "$gsu_complete_txt"
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+       _gsu_get_command_regex "$1"
+       ere="$result"
+       if ! grep -Eq "$ere" $0; then
+               _gsu_print_available_commands
+               result="$1"
+               ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_COMMAND
+               return
+       fi
+       sed -nEe '
+               # only consider lines in the comment of the function
+               /'"$ere"'/,/^[^#]/ {
+                       # remove leading ##
+                       s/^## *//
+                       # if it did start with ##, jump to label p and print it
+                       tp
+                       # otherwise, move on to next line
+                       d
+                       # print it
+                       :p
+                       p
+               }
+       ' $0
+       _gsu_available_commands
+       echo "$result"
+# Wrapper for the bash getopts builtin.
+# Aborts on programming errors such as missing or invalid option string.  On
+# success $result contains shell code that can be eval'ed. For each defined
+# option x, the local variable o_x will be created when calling eval "$result".
+# o_x contains true/false for options without argument and either the emtpy
+# string or the given argument for options that take an argument.
+# Example:
+#      gsu_getopts abc:x:y
+#      eval "$result"
+#      (($ret < 0)) && return
+#      [[ "$o_a" = 'true' ]] && echo 'The -a flag was given'
+#      [[ -n "$o_c" ]] && echo "The -c option was given with arg $o_c"
+       local i c tab=' ' cr='
+       gsu_check_arg_count $# 1 1
+       if [[ $ret -lt 0 ]]; then
+               gsu_err_msg
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       ret=-$E_GSU_GETOPTS
+       result="invalid optstring $1"
+       if [[ -z "$1" ]] || grep -q '::' <<< "$1" ; then
+               gsu_err_msg
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
+               c=${1:$i:1}
+               case "$c" in
+               [a-zA-Z:]);;
+               *)
+                       ret=-$E_GSU_GETOPTS
+                       result="invalid character $c in optstring"
+                       gsu_err_msg
+                       exit 1
+               esac
+       done
+       result="local _gsu_getopts_opt"
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
+               c1=${1:$i:1}
+               c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
+               result+=" o_$c1="
+               if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
+                       let i++
+               else
+                       result+="false"
+               fi
+       done
+       result+="
+       OPTIND=1
+       while getopts $1 _gsu_getopts_opt \"\$@\"; do
+               case \"\$_gsu_getopts_opt\" in
+       for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
+               c1=${1:$i:1}
+               c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
+               result+="$tab$tab$c1) o_$c1="
+               if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
+                       result+="\"\$OPTARG\""
+                       let i++
+               else
+                       result+="true"
+               fi
+               result+=";;$cr"
+       done
+       result+="
+               *)
+                       ret=-\$E_GSU_GETOPTS
+                       result=\"invalid option given\"
+                       return
+                       ;;
+               esac
+       done
+       shift \$((\$OPTIND - 1))
+       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+       local cmd n cword
+       local -a words
+       if (($# == 0)); then
+               cat <<EOF
+               local cur="\${COMP_WORDS[\$COMP_CWORD]}";
+               local -a candidates;
+               candidates=(\$($0 complete "\$COMP_CWORD" "\${COMP_WORDS[@]}"));
+               COMPREPLY=(\$(compgen -W "\${candidates[*]}" -- "\$cur"));
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       cword="$1"
+       gsu_is_a_number "$cword"
+       (($ret < 0)) && return
+       if (($cword <= 1)); then
+               _gsu_available_commands
+               echo "${result}"
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       shift
+       words=("$@")
+       cmd="${words[1]}"
+       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS # It's not an error if no completer was defined
+       [[ "$(type -t complete_$cmd)" != "function" ]] && return
+       complete_$cmd "$cword" "${words[@]}"
+       # ignore errors, they would only clutter the completion output
+       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+# Find out if the current word is a parameter for an option.
+# $1:   usual getopts option string.
+# $2:   The current word number.
+# $3..: All words of the current command line.
+# return: If yes, $result contains the letter of the option for which the
+# current word is a parameter. Otherwise, $result is empty.
+       local opts="$1" cword="$2" prev i n
+       local -a words
+       result=
+       (($cword == 0)) && return
+       ((${#opts} < 2)) && return
+       shift 2
+       words=("$@")
+       prev="${words[$(($cword - 1))]}"
+       [[ ! "$prev" == -* ]] && return
+       n=$((${#opts} - 1))
+       for ((i=0; i <= $n; i++)); do
+               opt="${opts:$i:1}"
+               [[ "${opts:$(($i + 1)):1}" != ":" ]] && continue
+               let i++
+               [[ "$prev" != "-$opt" ]] && continue
+               result="$opt"
+               return
+       done
+       ret=0
+# Get the word number on which the cursor is, not counting options.
+# This is useful for completing commands whose possible completions depend
+# on the word number, for example mount.
+# $1:   Getopt option string.
+# $2:   The current word number.
+# $3..: All words of the current command line.
+# return: If the current word is an option, or a parameter to an option,
+# this function sets $result to -1. Otherwise, the number of the non-option
+# is returned in $result.
+       local opts="$1" cword="$2" prev cur
+       local -i i n=0
+       local -a words
+       shift 2
+       words=("$@")
+       cur="${words[$cword]}"
+       prev="${words[$(($cword - 1))]}"
+       result=-1
+       [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && return
+       [[ "$prev" == -* ]] && [[ "$opts" == *${prev#-}:* ]] && return
+       for ((i=1; i <= $cword; i++)); do
+               prev="${words[$(($i - 1))]}"
+               cur="${words[$i]}"
+               [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && continue
+               if [[ "$prev" == -* ]]; then
+                       opt=${prev#-}
+                       [[ "$opts" != *$opt:* ]] && let n++
+                       continue
+               fi
+               let n++
+       done
+       result="$(($n - 1))"
+# Entry point for all gsu-based scripts.
+# The startup part of the application script should source this file to load
+# the functions defined here, and then call gsu(). Functions starting with com_
+# are automatically recognized as subcommands.
+# Minimal example:
+#      com_hello()
+#      {
+#              echo 'hello world'
+#      }
+#      gsu_dir=${gsu_dir:-/system/location/where/gsu/is/installed}
+#      . $gsu_dir/subcommand || exit 1
+#      gsu "$@"
+       local i
+       _gsu_setup
+       _gsu_available_commands
+       gsu_cmds="$result"
+       if test $# -eq 0; then
+               _gsu_usage
+               _gsu_print_available_commands
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       arg="$1"
+       shift
+       # check internal commands
+       if [[ "$arg" = "help" || "$arg" = "man" || "$arg" = "prefs" || "$arg" = "complete" ]]; then
+               _com_$arg "$@"
+               if [[ "$ret" -lt 0 ]]; then
+                       gsu_err_msg
+                       exit 1
+               fi
+               exit 0
+       fi
+       # external commands
+       for i in $gsu_cmds; do
+               if test "$arg" = "$i"; then
+                       com_$arg "$@"
+                       if [[ "$ret" -lt 0 ]]; then
+                               gsu_err_msg
+                               exit 1
+                       fi
+                       exit 0
+               fi
+       done
+       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_COMMAND
+       result="$arg"
+       gsu_err_msg
+       _gsu_print_available_commands
+       exit 1
+# Check number of arguments.
+# Usage: gsu_check_arg_count <num_given> <num1> [<num2>]
+# Check that <num_given> is between <num1> and <num2> inclusively.
+# If only <num1> ist given, num2 is assumed to be infinity.
+# Examples:
+#      0 0 no argument allowed
+#      1 1 exactly one argument required
+#      0 2 at most two arguments admissible
+#      2   at least two arguments reqired
+       ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_ARG_COUNT
+       if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then # only num1 is given
+               result="at least $2 args required, $1 given"
+               [[ $1 -lt $2 ]] && return
+               ret=$GSU_SUCCESS
+               return
+       fi
+       # num1 and num2 given
+       result="need at least $2 args, $1 given"
+       [[ $1 -lt $2 ]] && return
+       result="need at most $3 args, $1 given"
+       [[ $1 -gt $3 ]] && return
+       ret=$GSU_SUCCESS