section "general options" ######################### option "mode" o #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "{sleep|fade|snooze}" string default="sleep" optional option "config_file" c #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "(default='~/.paraslash/fade.conf')" string typestr="filename" optional option "mixer_device" m #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "mixer device file" string typestr="device" default="/dev/mixer" optional section "sleep options (only relevant in sleep mode)" ##################################################### option "sleep_ivol" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "set initial volume before doing anything else" int typestr="volume" default="60" optional option "fa_stream" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fall asleep stream. Change to this stream right after setting the volume" string typestr="streamname" default="fa" optional option "fa_fade" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fall asleep fading time, no fading if set to 0" int typestr="seconds" default="1800" optional option "fa_vol" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "volume to fade to" int typestr="volume" default="20" optional option "sleep_stream" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "change to this stream after fading, stop playing if unset" string typestr="streamname" default="sleep" optional option "wake_hour" H #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "(0-23) (default: now + 8 hours)" int typestr="hour" optional option "wake_min" M #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "(0-59)" int typestr="seconds" default="0" optional option "wake_stream" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "change to this stream on waketime" string typestr="streamname" default="wake" optional option "wake_fade" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "no fading in if set to 0" int typestr="seconds" default="1200" optional option "wake_vol" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "vol to fade to at waketime" int typestr="volume" default="80" optional section "snooze options" ######################## option "snooze_out_fade" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fade out time" int typestr="seconds" default="30" optional option "snooze_out_vol" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "vol to fade to before snooze" int typestr="volume" default="20" optional option "snooze_time" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "delay" int typestr="seconds" default="600" optional option "snooze_in_fade" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fade in time" int typestr="seconds" default="180" optional option "snooze_in_vol" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "vol to fade to after snooze" int typestr="volume" default="80" optional section "fade options" ###################### option "fade_vol" f #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "volume to fade to" int typestr="volume" default="50" optional option "fade_time" t #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "time to fade in" int typestr="seconds" default="5" optional