args "--no-handle-help --no-handle-version" include(header.m4) include(loglevel.m4) option "writer" w #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "select stream writer" string typestr="name" default="alsa (file if alsa is unsupported)" optional multiple details=" May be give multiple times. The same writer may be specified more than once. " text " The following options are only necessary for raw audio. When playing wav files this information is obtained from the wave header. " option "channels" c #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "specify number of channels" int typestr = "num" default = "2" optional option "sample-rate" s #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "force given sample rate" int typestr = "num" default = "44100" optional option "sample-format" f #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "specify sample format" # This must match the enum sample_format of para.h values = "S8", "U8", "S16_LE", "S16_BE", "U16_LE", "U16_BE" enum default = "S16_LE" optional