[suite play_cmd] caption = list of commands [subcommand help] purpose = list commands or keybindings, or print command-specific help non-opts-name = [command] [description] This command acts differently depending on whether it is executed in command mode or in insert mode. In command mode, the help command prints the list of defined keybindings. In insert mode, if no argument is given, it prints the list of available commands. When called with the name of a command as first argument, it prints the description of this command. [/description] [subcommand fg] purpose = enter command mode [description] In this mode, file name and play time of the current audio file are displayed. Hit CTRL+C or : to switch to input mode. [/description] [subcommand next] purpose = load the next file of the playlist [subcommand prev] purpose = load the previous file of the playlist [subcommand bg] purpose = enter insert mode [description] Only useful if called in command mode via a key binding. The default key bindings map the colon key to this command, so pressing : in command mode activates insert mode. [/description] [subcommand jmp] purpose = change playback position non-opts-name = percent [description] The percent argument must be an integer between 0 and 100, inclusively. [/description] [subcommand ff] purpose = set playback position relative to the current position non-opts-name = seconds [description] Negative values mean to jump backwards the given amount of seconds. [/description] [subcommand ls] purpose = list the playlist [description] This prints all paths of the playlist. The currently active file is marked with an asterisk. [/description] [subcommand info] purpose = print information about the current file [description] The output contains the playlist position, the path and information provided by the audio format handler. [/description]