Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) do_inits: welcome to para_server 0.1.6-dev (Wed Mar 23 20:39:23 MET 2005) Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) do_inits: using loglevel 1 Mar 23 20:47:26 4: (19185) init_dbtool: initializing database tool Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) init_mysql_server: connecting: maan@localhost:3306 Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) init_mysql_server: successfully connected to mysql server Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) init_dbtool: initialized mysql Mar 23 20:47:26 4: (19185) do_inits: initializing audio file sender Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) afs_init: checking audio formats Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) afs_init: supported audio format: mp3 Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) setup_stream_command: 1 stream write command given, checking for mp3 Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) setup_stream_command: using "poc-fec -q -" for files of type mp3 (default) Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) afs_init: supported audio format: ogg Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) setup_stream_command: 1 stream write command given, checking for ogg Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) setup_stream_command: using "/home/maan/para/para_ovsend -r /home/maan/.paraslash/ogg_fifo.p133" for files of type ogg Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) afs_init: supported audio formats: mp3 ogg Mar 23 20:47:26 4: (19185) setup_signal_handling: setting up signal handlers Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) para_install_sighandler: catching signal 2 Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) para_install_sighandler: catching signal 15 Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) para_install_sighandler: catching signal 1 Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) para_install_sighandler: catching signal 17 Mar 23 20:47:26 4: (19185) do_inits: initializing networking Mar 23 20:47:26 3: (19185) init_network: init network socket Mar 23 20:47:26 4: (19185) do_inits: init complete Mar 23 20:47:26 1: (19185) afs_mainloop: not playing Mar 23 20:47:29 4: (19185) main: got connection from, forking Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) afs_mainloop: not playing Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) handle_connect: Received auth request for user maan Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) open_user_list: Opening user list /home/maan/.paraslash/server.users Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) get_user: found entry for maan Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) get_user: found 4 perm entries Mar 23 20:47:29 3: (19187) encrypt: writing challenge to pipe (11 bytes) Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) encrypt: reading response Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) encrypt: read 64 byte from pipe Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) handle_connect: sending 64 byte challenge Mar 23 20:47:29 3: (19187) handle_connect: good auth for maan (3859497713) Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) parse_cmd: found command play. Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19187) check_perms: checking permissions Mar 23 20:47:29 4: (19187) handle_connect: executing command handler for command "play" Mar 23 20:47:29 3: (19187) handle_connect: command handler returned success Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) afs_mainloop: no audio file Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select def from streams where name = 'current_stream' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select def from streams where name='gulp' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select concat(dir.dir, '/', from data,dir where = and ( ( like '%G.U.L.P%')) order by -((FLOOR((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data.Lastplayed))/60) / 1440 - sqrt(data.Numplayed))) Mar 23 20:47:29 3: (19185) get_song: trying /home/mp3/checked/cd_20/The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3 Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) guess_audio_format: might be mp3 Mar 23 20:47:29 3: (19185) get_file_info: valid mp3 file Mar 23 20:47:29 4: (19185) update_mmd: next audio file: /home/mp3/checked/cd_20/The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3 Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select def from streams where name = 'current_stream' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select concat('lastplayed: ', (to_days(now()) - to_days(lastplayed)),' day(s). numplayed: ', numplayed, ', pic: ', pic_id) from data where name = 'The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: desc data Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select * from data where name='The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select dir from dir where name = 'The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select def from streams where name='gulp' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select (FLOOR((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data.Lastplayed))/60) / 1440 - sqrt(data.Numplayed)) from data where name = 'The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) update_mmd: updating shared memory area Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: update data set lastplayed = now() where name='The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: select numplayed from data where name = 'The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) real_query: update data set numplayed=38 where name='The_G.U.L.P.__U-Bahn.mp3' Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) get_song: success Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) afs_mainloop: open stream Mar 23 20:47:29 3: (19185) afs_open_stream_writer: opening mp3 stream_writer (poc-fec -q -) Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) afs_open_stream_writer: mp3 stream writer pid: 19189, fd: 10 Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) para_next_signal: next signal: 17 Mar 23 20:47:29 1: (19185) para_reap_child: child 19187 exited. Exit status: 0