option "uid" u #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "user id(s) to take into account" string typestr="uid_spec" optional details=" An uid specifier may be a single number, or a range of uids. Example: --uid 42 # only consider uid 42 --uid 42- # only consider uids greater or equal than 42 --uid 23-42 # only consider uids between 23 and 42, inclusively. --uid 23-42,666-777,88 # consider uids 23-42, 666-777 and 88. " option "limit" L #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Limit output" int typestr="num" default="-1" optional details=" Only print num lines of output. If negative (the default), print all lines. " option "no-headers" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "supress descriptions for listings/tables" flag off details=" This is mostly useful to feed the output of adu to scripts. " option "sort" s #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to sort the output" enum typestr="" values="sizes","files","unsorted" default="sizes" optional details=" Sort by file size, file count or unsorted. " option "format" f #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to format the output" string typestr="" optional details=" %(basedir) -- the path given to --base-dir during create %(dir) -- the name of the directory %(dir_size) -- the size of the sum of all regular files in this directory %(num_files) -- the number of regular files in this directory %% -- interpolates to % %xx -- interpolates to the character with hex code xx " option "output" o #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "file to write output to" string typestr="" optional default="-" details=" If empty, or not given, use stdout. " option "size-unit" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "select output format for sizes" enum typestr="format" values="h","b","k","m","g","t" default="h" optional details=" Print sizes in the given unit: human-readable, bytes, kilobytes (2^10), megabytes (2^20), gigabytes (2^30), terabytes (2^40). The default is \"h\", i.e. human-readable. " option "count-unit" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "select output format for counted values" enum typestr="format" values="h","n","k","m","g","t" default="h" optional details=" Print the number of files/directories in the given unit: human-readable, number, number/10^3, number/10^6, number/10^12, number/10^15. The default is to print numbers in human-readable format. " option "user-summary-sort" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to sort the user-summary" enum typestr="col_spec" values="name","uid","dir_count","file_count","size" default="size" optional details=" It is enough to specify the first letter of the column specifier, e.g. \"--user-summary-sort f\" sorts by file count. " option "no-user-summary" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "do not print the user summary table" flag off