option "uid" u #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "user id(s) to take into account" string typestr="uid_spec" optional details=" An uid specifier may be a single number, or a range of uids. Example: --uid 42 # only consider uid 42 --uid 42- # only consider uids greater or equal than 42 --uid 23-42 # only consider uids between 23 and 42, inclusively. --uid 23-42,666-777,88 # consider uids 23-42, 666-777 and 88. " option "limit" L #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Limit output" int typestr="num" default="-1" optional details=" Only print num lines of output. If negative (the default), print all lines. " option "no-headers" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "supress descriptions for listings/tables" flag off details=" This is mostly useful to feed the output of adu to scripts. " option "sort" s #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to sort the output" enum typestr="" values="sizes","files","unsorted" default="sizes" optional details=" Sort by file size, file count or unsorted. " option "format" f #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to format the output" string typestr="" optional details=" %(basedir) -- the path given to --base-dir during create %(dir) -- the name of the directory %(dir_size) -- the size of the sum of all regular files in this directory %(num_files) -- the number of regular files in this directory %% -- interpolates to % %xx -- interpolates to the character with hex code xx " option "output" o #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "file to write output to" string typestr="" optional default="-" details=" If empty, or not given, use stdout. " option "size-unit" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "select output format for sizes" enum typestr="format" values="h","b","k","m","g","t" default="h" optional details=" Print sizes in the given unit: human-readable, bytes, kilobytes (2^10), megabytes (2^20), gigabytes (2^30), terabytes (2^40). The default is \"h\", i.e. human-readable. " option "count-unit" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "select output format for counted values" enum typestr="format" values="h","n","k","m","g","t" default="h" optional details=" Print the number of files/directories in the given unit: human-readable, number, number/10^3, number/10^6, number/10^12, number/10^15. The default is to print numbers in human-readable format. " option "user-summary-sort" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to sort the user-summary" enum typestr="col_spec" values="name","uid","dir_count","file_count","size" default="size" optional details=" It is enough to specify the first letter of the column specifier, e.g. \"--user-summary-sort f\" sorts by file count. " option "no-user-summary" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "do not print the user summary table" flag off option "user-list" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to print per-user directory listings" enum typestr="which" values="size","file_count","both","none" default="both" optional details=" Similar to the global directory listings mentioned above, adu can print two directory listings per user. This option controls which of the these should be printed. " option "no-global-summary" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "do not print the summary line" flag off option "global-list" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "how to print global directory listings" enum typestr="which" values="size","file_count","both","none" default="both" optional details=" By default adu prints two global directory listings: The first prints the directory names ordered by the sum of the sizes of the contained files while the second listing prints them sorted by the number of files. This option can be used to print only one or neither of these two listings. " option "print-base-dir" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "whether to include the base-dir in the output" flag off details=" If this flag is given, all directories printed are prefixed with the base directory. The default is to print paths relative to the base dir. " ######################## section "Format strings" ######################## option "global-summary-format" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "How to format the global summary" string typestr="" default="#directories: %(dirs), #files: %(files), size: %(size)\n\n" details=" dirs: The number of directories files: The number of files size: Total size of all files " optional option "user-summary-format" - #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "How to format the user summary" string typestr="" default="%(pw_name:l:16) %(uid:r:5) %(dirs:r:5) %(files:r:5) %(size:r:5)\n" details=" pw_name: The user name uid: The user id dirs: The number of directories files: The number of files size: Total size of all files " optional