gsu_short_msg "# Usage: $_gsu_self command [options]"
-# Each line matching this is recognized as a subcommand. The name
-# of the subcommand is the first subexpression.
-export gsu_command_regex='^com_\([-a-zA-Z_0-9]\+\)()'
+# Each line matching this is recognized as a subcommand. The name of the may be
+# given as $1. In any case the subcommand is the first subexpression.
+ local cmd="${1:-[-a-zA-Z_0-9]+}"
+ result="^com_($cmd)\(\)"
+ local ere
+ _gsu_get_command_regex
+ ere="$result"
printf "help\nman\nprefs\ncomplete\n"
- sed -ne "s/$gsu_command_regex/\1/g;T;p" $0
- } | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
+ sed -Ee '
+ # if line matches, isolate command name
+ s/'"$ere"'/\1/g
+ # if there is a match, (print it and) start next cycle
+ t
+ # otherwise delete it
+ d
+ ' $0
+ } | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
- local a b
+ local a b ere tab=' '
+ _gsu_get_command_regex
+ ere="$result"
if test -z "$1"; then
_gsu_banner_msg 2>&1
_gsu_usage 2>&1
printf "com_man()\n$gsu_man_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
printf "com_prefs()\n$gsu_prefs_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
printf "com_complete()\n$gsu_complete_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
- grep -A 2 "$gsu_command_regex" $0
+ grep -EA 2 "$ere" $0
} | grep -v -- '--' \
- | sed -e "/$gsu_command_regex/bs" \
- -e 'H;$!d;x;s/\n//g;b' \
- -e :s \
- -e 'x;s/\n//g;${p;x;}' \
- | sed -e "s/${gsu_command_regex}#*/\1\t/" \
- | sort \
- | while read a b; do
- printf "$a\t"
- if test ${#a} -lt 8; then
- printf "\t"
- fi
- echo "$b"
- done
+ | sed -En "/$ere/"'!d
+ # remove everything but the command name
+ s/^com_(.*)\(\).*/\1/
+ # append tab after short commands (less than 8 chars)
+ s/^(.{1,7})$/\1'"$tab"'/g
+ # remove next line (should contain only ## anyway)
+ N
+ s/#.*//
+ # append next line, removing leading ##
+ N
+ s/#+ *//g
+ # replace newline by tab
+ y/\n/'"$tab"'/
+ # and print the sucker
+ p'
echo "# Try $_gsu_self help <command> for info on <command>."
- if grep -q "^com_$1()" $0; then
- sed -e "1,/^com_$1()$/d" -e '/^{/,$d' -e 's/^## *//' $0
+ _gsu_get_command_regex "$1"
+ ere="$result"
+ if ! grep -Eq "$ere" $0; then
+ _gsu_print_available_commands
+ result="$1"
- _gsu_print_available_commands
- result="$1"
+ sed -nEe '
+ # only consider lines in the comment of the function
+ /'"$ere"'/,/^[^#]/ {
+ # remove leading ##
+ s/^## *//
+ # if it did start with ##, jump to label p and print it
+ tp
+ # otherwise, move on to next line
+ d
+ # print it
+ :p
+ p
+ }
+ ' $0