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Project Description Owner Last Change
gsu.git gsu - the global subcommand... Andre Noll 18 hours ago
tfortune.git tfortune - Fortune Cookies... Andre Noll 43 hours ago
aple.git aple - Advanced Problems in... Andre Noll 5 days ago
paraslash.git paraslash - network audio... Andre Noll 10 days ago
lopsub.git lopsub - the long option parse... Andre Noll 8 weeks ago
misma.git Unnamed repository; edit this... Andre Noll 2 months ago
dss.git DSS - dyadic snapshot scheduler Andre Noll 3 months ago
micoforia.git micoforia - Minimal Containers... Andre Noll 5 months ago
osl.git osl - the object storage layer Andre Noll 3 years ago
adu.git adu - advanced disk usage Andre Noll 4 years ago